2024-2025 Middle School Back-to-School Information

Middle School Key Contacts
In order to foster positive and productive family communication and relationships, you can find a list here of key faculty to contact if you have particular questions, concerns, or suggestions and who your first points of contact.

Student Circle of Support
At Sacred Heart Greenwich, we support both the academic and social-emotional development of each student through individualized and programmatic resources.  You can find the Circle of Support document here.

Student and Parent Portals
As we prepare for the upcoming academic year, please take time to visit the school website and Parent Portals where you will find essential information for the beginning of school. Please read everything carefully, including the Updated Family/StudentHandbook, and make sure to update/sign all necessary forms, which were due by July 19, 2024 and August 1, 2024.

Parent/Student Handbook
The Sacred Heart Greenwich Student Handbook provides detailed information about important school policies and procedures for the entire school, with a specific section covering all aspects of life in the Middle School. Please read the entire handbook closely and ensure that you sign off on the acknowledgment form in the Parent Portal.

Daily Schedule 2024-2025
The daily schedule for the 2024-2025 school year can be found here. Please note that Middle School Meeting Time will not follow the rotation and we will be holding Gathering every Friday during that time.
Please note updated school hours in the Middle School:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:  8:30 am - 3:25 pm
Wednesday:  8:30 am - 2:35 pm 

** Sports Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 3:15 - 4:15 pm (some games on Thursdays)

Cellphone and Smartwatch Policy  
As you know, we have a cellphone-free Middle School at Sacred Heart Greenwich. Students turn in their phones upon arrival each day and are redistributed to students at the end of the school day. Students should not be on their cellphones in the Middle School hallways at any time, or in the Athletic Center during flex time. The Rule of Thumb is that they should not be on their phones once they arrive on campus. Should you need to contact your child, please email or call the Middle School office or their advisor. Similarly, if your daughter needs to reach you during the day they can come to the Middle School office to call you. Please see the Parent/Student Handbook for more information or click here to read the Cellphone Policy.

Middle School Attendance
Please review the Middle School attendance policy and Attendance reporting procedures in the handbook carefully.  They are highlighted here.

Reporting Attendance
If a student will be absent, arriving late or dismissed early, a parent/guardian must notify the school by 10:00 a.m. using the Student Absence Tracker in the Parent Portal. If a student is not in school and notification has not been received, the parents/guardian will be contacted. For all late arrivals and early departures, students must sign in/out in the Middle School office before leaving the building. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. If the school has not received notice, the student will not be permitted to leave.

A doctor’s note should be presented to the Middle School office when a student misses any part of the day of school for medical reasons. If a student is diagnosed with a contagious illness (strep, covid, flu, etc.), the school nurse must be notified. You can contact the nurse via email (tiedemannk@cshct.org) or via phone at 203-532-3586.

Student & Parent Attendance View on School Blackbaud Portal 
This year, parents and students will have access to absence and tardy information on the progress page of the school portal, blackbaud. The absence information will show by class not specifically by day.  More detailed information will be forthcoming.

School Supplies
This school supply list was shared earlier this summer. The school supply list is here and listed by grade for your reference.

Summer Assignments
I am sure students have been working to complete summer assignments. Summer assignments are designed to promote continued learning and ensure we are able to retrieve information learned in the prior year. Please click here to check all your summer assignments. 

Middle School Advisory Program & the Social Institute
Students will be hearing from their advisors prior to the first day of school.  In the Middle School, all students are assigned an advisor. The advisory meets approximately twice per cycle with students during a designated advisory period. Advisors and students engage in discussions, activities, and dialogue designed to build relationships/connections, promote decision-making skills, and encourage balance in all aspects of their lives.   Students in Grade 6-8 will be engaging in the social institute lessons each month. The Social Institute offers a learning platform that empowers students to navigate their social world positively - including social media and technology - to fuel their health, happiness and future success.

The Social Institute 
Our partnership with The Social Institute gives each of you exclusive access to our Parent Toolkit. In the toolkit, you will find:The Playbooks feature expert breakdowns of the most popular apps and platforms and offer tips on how students can use them positively. The Family Huddles reinforce important topics through casual conversation. Families can also build their own Family Social Standards Agreement around positive social media and tech use. The directions for accessing the toolkit can be found here. Parent Toolkit signup Instructions.

In the Middle School, 5th graders will be wearing a required skort for 5th grade.  The skort is optional in grades 6-8. You can order items on the school website. The Uniform Policy has been updated for the 2024-2025 school year and is linked here.  Please review this with your daughter. We will have some spare uniforms in the Middle School office in the event that any student comes to school out of the dress code.  Let’s work hard to make sure skirts are of appropriate length.  

Key September Dates
Please make sure to mark these upcoming dates on your calendar as we launch the year together. The main school calendar is located on our website and can be accessed by logging in and clicking “Calendar” in the heading. This calendar is updated often. 

  • Success at Sacred Heart (SASH) for all New Students
    Tuesday, August 20th - Thursday August 22nd, 8:30-11:30 am:
    All students new to the Middle School (this includes all rising 4th graders) are invited to this program, which takes place from 8:30 am to 11:30 am each morning. There is no cost for these sessions. SASH is designed to help students transition smoothly into our Middle School as they build connections and feel confident before the first day of school. Click here to sign up your student. All new students at Sacred Heart Greenwich are highly encouraged to attend this event.

  • Orientation: Tuesday, September 3, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm, ALL students & parents entering Grade 5 and NEW students & parents entering Grades 6-8 

  • First Day of School: Wednesday, September 4,  8:30 am - 2:35 pm 

  • Parents’ Association Welcome Coffee: Friday, September 6 at 8:30 am

  • Middle School Back to School Night: Thursday, September 19, 6:00 - 8:00 pm

  • Mass of the Holy Spirit: Friday, September 20, 10:00 am

  • Eighth Grade Bonding Overnight Trip: Monday, September 23, 7:00 am - Tuesday, September 24, 4:00 pm