Upper School Clubs

Behind Every Smile

Club members raise awareness about the importance of positive mental health and provide resources to promote the well-being of all students. 

Chess Club

Club members meet to challenge one another and study tactics and techniques. 

Coffee For Good

 Coffee For Good is non-profit coffee shop that serves as a training platform for people with intellectual and development disabilities. Club members have opportunities to join the Coffee for Good Teen Board.  

Diversity Club

Members will participate in an open dialogue on current events regarding diversity, equity and inclusion. Club includes events, presentations and collaborations with other schools. 

Engineering Club

In this club, students will learn about the various fields of engineering including mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering as well as cybersecurity.  Students will design, plan and construct a project together. 

Garden Club

Members in this club will experience nature and the great outdoors with a supportive community of students, all while having fun! Students will have the opportunity to choose the herbs, plants and vegetables we will be growing.

Gold & Pink Club

This club's mission is to one day live in a world without cancer. Supporting the Scarlett Fund (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) and the Breast Cancer Alliance, students fundraise as a team through bake sales, card drives, games, and many more wonderful events. 

Hope for Type 1

Hope for Type 1 will work together with the JDRF organization to raise awareness for T1D (Type 1 Diabetes). The members of this club will be educated on the chronic disease and act as a support system for all the girls' lives affected by it. 

IQA Club

Intersectional Queer Alliance is a safe space for members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies to learn and discuss the queer culture. At IQA, each member provides a unique background and perspective while simultaneously participating in fun activities.


Math Team

Become a math sensation! Learn problem solving techniques, offer math support to others, and compete in several math competitions, some of which include AMC, HMMI, FCML. 

Meals on Main Street

Club members help to end food insecurity through hands-on service work that includes dropping meals to families, working on the MOMS food truck, and packaging groceries. 

Midnight Run

Midnight Run is focused on closing the gap between those who are housed and those who are homeless. Club members travel to New York City to distribute food, clothing, and personal care items to those in need. 

Mock Trial

Club members take on all aspects of the trial process, learning the roles of both the defense and plaintiff teams. Students will travel to Mock Trial events to challenge other teams in a test of legal acumen and preparation. 



Model United Nations

Club members build global awareness and develop an understanding for geopolitics as they work collaboratively to solve relevant global issues and learn the processes of the United Nations. 


Neighbor to Neighbor

Club members connect with the greater Greenwich community through food drives, service days, product collection, and Christmas gift making. 

One Love x Morgan's Message

One Love and Morgan's Message have combined efforts to educate the Upper School community about healthy and unhealthy relationships and eliminate stigmas surrounding mental health issues. 

Perspectives Art and Literary Magazine

Perspectives is the Upper School's art and literary magazine, created, designed, and edited entirely by an editorial team of Upper School students. This publication showcases the diverse perspectives of the Upper School student body through art, photography, and writing.


The Robotics Club builds and codes together, and the team works to prepare the club robot, Frodo, to compete in the Vex Robotics Competition.


An outreach program, at Sacred Heart Greenwich, for public school students in Fairfield and Westchester areas for grades four through seven. Students volunteer to help plan and execute fun activities and field trips for the kids!

SHG Sustainability Club

Students in this club create public awareness around the School's sustainability initiatives, in addition to composting, planning Earth Week activities, honey harvesting and beekeeping, and Indigenous land acknowledgement. 

Speech and Debate

Club members participate in outside competitions, in-house debates, and lively discussions about topics that matter to them. This club encourages students to stretch their minds by learning how to debate and defend their beliefs and opinions.


This club is for all aspiring sportscasters! Students work on interviews, hype videos, and season wrap-ups, in addition to providing live commentary for athletic events. 


Supplies for Success

This club helps students from Latin America countries in need of school supplies. Students will gather supplies from their own home and classrooms as well as donations to send for educational support. Club updates will be provided through letters, photos and videos. 


Voices is a multi-lingual, multi-media art and writing magazine that has won multiple Gold Medals in the Columbian Literary/Art Print Magazine Critique. Students will assist in editing and assembling the magazine.  

Women in Finance/Entrepreneurship

This club aims to educate our community on the importance of financial literacy in an effort to spark enthusiasm for entrepreneurship.  Students are inspired to be financially conscious through responsible and thoughtful spending practices. 

Yearbook Club

Club members collaborate on creative materials, photos, and design for the school's yearbook, Green Years.