Middle School Clubs

A Ca-Bellas

The A Ca-Bellas are an acapella group open to 7th-12th graders. This group performs pop music in three and four-part harmonies and enjoys seasonal performances. 

Barat Center Reading Buddies

All students are invited to sign-up to read to our youngest students in the Barat Center. 


Club members practice the craft of beekeeping as they care for the School's outdoor beehives. 

Bell Choir

Club members enjoy the opportunity to learn how to play the bells, as they build confidence, work as a team, and perform seasonally. 

Buddies with The Greens

This club is a partnership between nearby senior living facility, The Greens, and Sacred Heart Greenwich's eighth grade. Club members visit regularly with residents at The Greens for conversation and craft activities. 

Campus Ministry

This club is open to all students interested in supporting the faith life of our community. Club members assist at liturgies, prayer services, and retreats. They will also be trained to altar serve and read at Mass. 

Digital Wellness Student Task Force

This club empowers students to lead the School in promoting healthy digital engagement. Students promote awareness of healthy habits and plan activities to enhance the wellness of the student body. 


FOCUS hosts pizza lunch and prayer for Middle School students. In addition, FOCUS explores the many aspects of having a robust faith life steeped in scripture. 

Hearts Together

Club members join with faculty to educate themselves and others about issues affecting community members. This club advocates for love, acceptance, and respect for all. 

Literary Magazine

Eighth-grade students take on leadership positions to edit and publish a yearly magazine featuring art and writing submissions from students in 5th-8th grades. 


Madeleines is the 5th and 6th grade choir. Students will learn songs to perform in two-part harmonies and enjoy seasonal performances. 


Nightingales is the 7th and 8th grade choir. Students learn songs in three-part harmony and enjoy opportunities to perform in seasonal concerts and liturgies. All are welcome! 

Open Studio and Drawing Club

Club members further develop their drawing skills by using various mediums to express themselves. Students spend time drawing replicas from visual representations, models, landscapes, and portraits. 


Club members design, build, and program robots to collaborate with other team members and compete in competitions. Students learn code and problem-solving skills as they prepare for a tech-driven future. 

Student Council

The Student Council consists of elected student leaders who further develop their leadership skills by working together with faculty to enrich the Middle School and impact the larger community. Positions are open to students in 5-8th grades. 

Sustainability Club

This club is for students in grades 5-8 who are passionate about creating a healthier environment. Club members plan activities around recycling and reducing waste and promote awareness of how to live more sustainably.