A Sacred Heart education can span the globe as our Network has more than 200 Schools in 44 countries. Students, faculty and alumnae communicate and interact with each other, supporting each other in educational efforts and in times of need. International issues are brought to our doorstep in Greenwich as our girls experience the immediacy of situations that affect our families around the world.
Joint Projects
Being part of a national Network of Schools affords many opportunities for our students, faculty and administrators to participate in joint projects such as the Exchange Program, science fairs, community service projects and leadership conferences. Faculty and administrators regularly meet for regional and national conferences, mentoring and heritage workshops and spiritual retreats. There is ongoing dialogue and support among the Schools as we share ideas about curriculum, technology and policy.
International Sacred Heart Passport
Upon graduation, each student is enrolled in the International Association of the Alumnae of the Sacred Heart. Students are given an international Sacred Heart passport, an honorary document that lists all the Sacred Heart Schools throughout the world and serves as a means of introduction and a source of hospitality or help in the countries in which the Society of the Sacred Heart serves.