Your example, more than words, will be an eloquent lesson to the world.
~ St. Madeleine Sophie Barat
We, the Barat Foundation, are a philanthropic organization committed to implementing lasting changes within the community to benefit children. As the foundress of the Society of the Sacred Heart, Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat devoted her life to the education and development of children. Being students of Sacred Heart Greenwich, we are educated to “a social awareness that impels to action.” Continuing in the tradition of Madeleine Sophie Barat, we are dedicated to improving lives through not only financial support, but also personal initiatives. We are committed to refining, expanding and diversifying the Barat Foundation by monitoring the impact and the progress of the various programs, while educating ourselves as women in philanthropy. |
For the sake of one child, I would have founded the Society.
~ St. Madeleine Sophie Barat
The Barat Foundation is an Upper School student-run philanthropic organization dedicated to improving the lives of children worldwide. In 2005, the foundation announced its first grants, which, since then, have continued to be awarded annually.
The Barat Foundation began in 2004 with the initial involvement of Upper School students, Sacred Heart’s administration and a Sacred Heart parent, Larry Lunt. The idea was to establish an endowment and to use proceeds from its investment to provide qualified non-profit organizations with grants.
The endowment was established with the aid of Larry Lunt. In 2004, he traveled to the North Pole on an expedition designed to raise funds, through sponsorships, and to create an awareness of the Barat Foundation by his blog. Mr. Lunt and former headmistress Joan Magnetti, RSCJ envisioned a student-run foundation that would benefit children and educate Sacred Heart’s young women in philanthropy and financial literacy.
The endowment has since expanded with additional contributions from Mr. Lunt and other donors, who include parents and alumnae. This has enabled the Barat Foundation to reach out to children in our community, other parts of the United States, and the world by enhancing programs that serve their needs.
Organizations submit their grant applications online. After evaluating applications, the students select organizations they believe will exemplify the Barat Foundation’s mission statement. Each May, in an Upper School chapel service, grants are awarded and non-profit representatives are invited to speak about their programs. Students follow up with the organizations, offering volunteer service, as needed.
The Barat Foundation’s goal is continue to distribute grants each year to qualified non-profits using proceeds from the endowment. The foundation endeavors to combine volunteer support with monetary awards to assist organizations in improving the lives of children.