Active Wellness Component

As part of our ongoing commitment to the holistic development of our students, students in grades 9, 10, 11 will be required to complete an active wellness component as part of their graduation requirement. Our Active Wellness Program is designed to promote physical health, mental well-being, and personal growth among our students. This program offers a variety of options, including Physical Education classes, participation in athletic teams, dance, or theater. 

Students in grades 9 -11 will choose and participate in ONE of the following each academic year: 

  • Physical Education course - 1 FULL Semester (September to January OR January to May) ​​​​​​​Students enrolled in Physical Education class will attend three 45 minute classes a week throughout the semester-  Class time will be built into student’s schedule during the academic day
  • Sacred Heart Athletic team- 1 complete season on an athletic team as a player
  • Dance elective- Enrollment in the Sacred Heart dance elective for the academic school year (course will be contingent on enrollment numbers)
  • Arts- Participation in the Fall Production or Winter Musical (cast member/ensemble)

We will no longer be granting exemptions for participation in outside activities.  We believe in the value of having all Sacred Heart students participate in school based activities for the physical, social and emotional benefits.