Welcome to Sacred Heart
transforming the world,
one girl at a time
As the oldest all-girls school in Connecticut, Sacred Heart Greenwich serves as a leading advocate for girls' education. We provide a powerful, transformative learning environment for our students. Sacred Heart’s tradition of excellence in Catholic, all-girls’ education dates back to 1801 and the founding of the first Sacred Heart school in Amiens, France. For more than 200 years, Sacred Heart students have been held to the highest expectations and have been encouraged to become confident learners, critical thinkers, and creative problem solvers. However, an education isn't only about acquiring knowledge. It's about opening your heart. Exploring your faith. Finding your true self. Since 1848, Sacred Heart Greenwich has been empowering girls and young women to live with passion and purpose. Here, learning is both an intellectual and moral adventure that encourages girls to become the best versions of themselves and to lead with confidence, courage and compassion.
Wherever you go, whatever road you may travel, you will always find a home at Sacred Heart. From Life at the Sacred Heart
Passion and Purpose:
The Key to Sacred Heart Education
The Goals & Criteria of a Sacred Heart education are the foundation of our identity as a Catholic, independent, Sacred Heart school. Our five Goals recognize and celebrate the varied cultures, races, faiths, and backgrounds of our student body and their families. Sacred Heart students are committed to creating a more just world and engage in meaningful dialogue and purposeful action at all grade levels surrounding issues related to social justice, community, equity, and belonging.
Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to a personal and active faith in God.
Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to a deep respect for intellectual values.
Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to a social awareness which impels to action.
Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to the building of community as a Christian value.
Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom.
Meet the Admission Office
Welcome to Sacred Heart Greenwich! Please don't hesitate to contact a member of our team or complete the form below if there is anything we can do to help your family learn more about Sacred Heart.
Have a question? We're here to help. Please fill out the form and we'll be in touch soon.