
Sacred Heart Greenwich students working on assignments on their computers with the teacher providing instruction.

There is a spirit of innovation, grit, and determination in the very nature of Sacred Heart. Everything we do is intentionally planned to empower girls and young women to take on the mantle of leadership and see themselves as clever, capable, and competent in the classroom and beyond. What happens here is joyful learning.

Walk the halls here, and you'll hear lively classroom debates and student teams problem-solving as they conduct experiments, read their creative writing aloud, analyze historical events, or stage a play. We embrace student-centered learning as a transformative process. This kind of learning ignites curiosity, innovation, creativity, critical thinking, cultural perspectives, and problem solving as our students learn with and from each other. For instance, our kindergarteners partner with Upper School astronomy and physics students to leverage our NASA curriculum before their annual “space flight,” and our AP English students workshop stanzas with budding seventh-grade poets.

Most importantly, learning is joyful at Sacred Heart, allowing for excitement and originality as our graduates discover that learning is a means to fly high, not an end to itself.

84% of faculty

hold Master's degrees

11 faculty members

have doctorates

2 faculty members

have law degrees


student to teacher ratio