As “Compost Captain,” Lower School students enthusiastically embrace their role as leaders in Sacred Heart Greenwich’s newly expanded composting program that launched in January 2023 as a partnership among students, the Wellness program, Flik Dining Services, and the Sustainability Committee.
Lower School students take their responsibility seriously to be good stewards of the earth as they educate their peers and guide them toward the correct receptacle to compost their food leftovers. As part of Mustard Seed, Addie '31 has learned, “composting is smart for Sacred Heart to do because it uses the leftover fruits and veggies from lunch and turns it into healthy soil for our garden. My friends and classmates do it because we know that it will make the environment better."
Miss Margaret Vondermeden, Mustard Seed Program Teacher, shared that the composting program “has helped our young community members learn how our food can also feed the beautiful vegetables, herbs, and flowers that students grow in our school garden. Students are so excited to experience first hand the connection between sustainability and service, as they grow food using compost and then donate the new food to local community food pantries.”
Praising students’ impact, Flik Food Service Director Jonathan Gold exclaims, “Lower School students are effectively teaching their classmates to correctly compost their food waste. Students can be proud that Sacred Heart Greenwich increased the amount of food it composts by over 40% versus last year. The organic compost provides valuable nutrients for our garden and has enabled us to reduce the use of chemicals in the garden. I love when students tell me they have persuaded their parents to begin composting food at home too!”
Expressing gratitude for the partnership with Sustainability Coordinator Matthew Blake, Director of Student Leadership Health and Wellness Jenn Bensen, Grounds Manager Will Smyers, Mr. Gold, and Upper School Sustainability Committee student leaders Emily ‘24 and Jane ‘24, Miss Vondermeden concludes that “working together, we are committed at Sacred Heart to the Goal III criteria that All members of the School community accept accountability for the care of God’s creation, practice effective stewardship of the earth's resources and work to alleviate the climate crisis.”
Learn more about the Sacred Heart Greenwich Leadership, Health & Wellness program and sustainability resources.